Soodaroo in Love
In the midnight with your Love
Concerning with the beauty
Feels with hearts;
How glad I am;
How nice is life;
How big is world
00:41 AM
Sometimes man sleeps in the lonely arms of silence
To say I am alive,
And shaking lips with the taste of tears,
O, Likely, Goldly tears,
And eyes blazing to the sky,
Thinking of before days come,
And in motionless time,
See all memorial of him,
With tone of soundless wind,
Flying in my hair,
In the world of life, empty,
With no lands, nor smile,
I am here, standing, in the arms of silence,
To say I am alive,
Sometimes man sleeps in the lonely arms of silence
To say I am alive,
And shaking lips with the taste of tears,
O, Likely, Goldly tears,
And eyes blazing to the sky,
Thinking of before days come,
And in motionless time,
See all memorial of him,
With tone of soundless wind,
Flying in my hair,
In the world of life, empty,
With no lands, nor smile,
I am here, standing, in the arms of silence,
To say I am alive,
Digging, digging and continue to breath,
In the lonely, lonely time and days
You passed,
With your hands empty . . .
* * * *
Love come, come never go, and never let you go,
You can feel it, touch it by your senses,
And then everything was changing . . .
You feel it, you touch it,
And it is impossible for you to ignore,
It is time for tears,
And you cannot crying,
It is wonderful of Life . . .
Let sounds of music come, and carry you to
Far far away land, to the kingdom of God,
By the power of Love . . .
00:12 AM
The Lottery
Sounds of life, and beauty smiles on
Your face, my little sweetheart,
And time to dance, time to sleep,
Time for live . . .
* * *
Thank you very much my dear classmate; Mr. Askari
Thank you for you story, and thank you; you, Shirley Jackson
We have a course in our studying of English Literature called:
Oral Reproduction of Short Stories
Today my friend starts to reproduce famous short story written by Shirley Jackson: The Lottery
After he finished his story I was sad, sad as much as possible
You know, life as shown by that story is empty
We are here to loose, people laugh, everyone gathered, and you, yourself must loose your life for destiny, every thing in our life ended to lost, to the Death.
And I think in that time for my friend that said: how much you are going to pay for your life, for your little dull, your girl?
And know I can say; nothing more than a life, nothing more than my smiles, my breathe, my time, and my hope, and everything related to my soul.
We are here to lost, and if you think that I am losing now, let me do it . . .
20:34 PM
Tell me how much is left from
Our time,
And let me calculate:
And in the darkness of far-off life
Breathe my lips,
Think my hands,
Hopes my eyes
And let me sleep for ever
For ever
How much is left?
And with no pause looks in
Your eyes;
O, love
O, love